Email Validation

For any integration, there are two pieces of JavaScript that you need: our JavaScript library and some configuration code. See the tutorial for more details on how to add this code to the page containing your address form.

JavaScript Library

Link to the JavaScript library:

<script src=""></script>

There are two options for adding the JavaScript library:

Firstly, we host the final, compacted code on a CDN. This means that to add the JavaScript library to your page, you simply need to include this linkopen in new window. We recommend that you use this option, as you will automatically receive updates and bug fixes. However, if you use subresource integrity checksopen in new window, these will fail after an update.

Alternatively, you can download the JavaScript and host it on your own server. You can download the package hereopen in new window from Github.


The first step is to initialize the library and complete a setup, so that you can add forms to it.

window.cc_c2a = new clickToAddress({
	accessToken: 'xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx' // Replace this with your access token


This call can only be performed once on every page; please call it only once during page load.

Add Email Validation

Adding email validation is now quite simple, simply let the library know that there's a new form to be validated.

	email: '#email',
	allow_high_risk: false
emailstring✔️The field that you want to validate. Accepts a valid query selector, the id of a field or an HTML element.
allow_high_riskbooleanDefault: false
Switching this feature to false will make the library reject disposable email addresses.


Some of the largest email provides have malicious actors who run email services on domains with typos. For example, for Gmail, and run services. (probably for scamming purposes) In general, we suggest leaving the allow_high_risk on false.