Address Auto-Complete On Two Forms

How To Apply Address Auto-Complete to Multiple Forms on the Same Page

The clickToAddress class can only be instantiated once. If you try to instantiate it twice, you will see the error "Uncaught Already initiated".

The class has an attach method that allows you to integrate with extra address forms. You should use this when you want to integrate with two or more forms on the same page.

The method accepts on object containing the form fields you want to integrate with.

cc = new clickToAddress(config);
    search:     'search_field',
    town:       'addr_town',
    postcode:   'addr_postcode',
    county:     'addr_county',
    line_1:     'addr_line1'
    search:     'search_field-2',
    town:       'addr_town-2',
    postcode:   'addr_postcode-2',
    county:     'addr_county-2',
    line_1:     'addr_line1-2'